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utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

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  • utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

    Hey as400Pro

    I need a utility that monitors a susbsystem (eg: QBATCH)
    and tells me if I have a specific job (eg: MyJOB01 or MTJOB*) running.

    Same thing for JOBQ... but don't rush. I don't need it till Monday AM.

  • #2
    Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

    this will list all jobs on system like WRKACTJOB
          * CrtUsrSpc: Create User Space for OS/400 API's
         d QUSCRTUS        pr                  extpgm('QUSCRTUS')
         d   UsrSpc                      20A   const
         d   ExtAttr                     10A   const
         d   InitialSize                 10I 0 const
         d   InitialVal                   1A   const
         d   PublicAuth                  10A   const
         d   Text                        50A   const
         d   Replace                     10A   const
         d   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*nopass: *varsize)
          * --- Prototype for API Retrive User Space
         d QUSRTVUS        pr                  extpgm( 'QUSRTVUS' )
         d   QRtvUserSpace...
         d                               20
         d   QRtvStartingPosition...
         d                                8b 0
         d   QRtvLengthOfData...
         d                                8b 0
         d   QRtvReceiverVariable...
         d                            32048
         d   QRtvError...
         d                              256
          * --- Prototype for API Retrive List Job
         d QUSLJOB         pr                  extpgm( 'QUSLJOB' )
         d   QJobUserSpace...
         d                               20
         d   QJobFormatName...
         d                                8
         d   QJobJobName...
         d                               26
         d   QFldStatus...
         d                               10
         d   QFldError...
         d                              256
         d   QJobType...
         d                                1
         d   QNbrFldRtn...
         d                                8b 0
         d   QKeyFldRtn...
         d                                8b 0 dim( 100 )
         d qcmdexc         pr                  extpgm( 'QCMDEXC' )
         d   os400_cmd                 2000A   options( *varsize ) const
         d   cmdlength                   15P 5                     const
          * Defined variables
         d emailaddress    s             24    inz('')
         d size            s             10I 0
         d UsrSpcName      s             20    inz( 'DSPJOB    QTEMP     ' )
         dQUSA0100         DS
         d QUsrSpcOffset...
         d                         1      4B 0
         d QUsrSpcEntries...
         d                         9     12B 0
         d QUsrSpcEntrieSize...
         d                        13     16B 0
         dLJOBINPUT        ds                           qualified
         d  JobName...
         d                         1     10
         d  UserName...
         d                        11     20
         d  JobNumber...
         d                        21     26
         d  Status...
         d                        27     36
         d  UserSpace...
         d                        37     46
         d  UserSpaceLibrary...
         d                        47     56
         d  Format...
         d                        57     64
         d  JobType...
         d                        65     65
         d  Reserved01...
         d                        66     68
         d  Reserved02...
         d                        69     72B 0
         dLJOB100          ds                           qualified
         d  JobName...
         d                         1     10
         d  UserName...
         d                        11     20
         d  JobNumber...
         d                        21     26
         d  InternalJobId...
         d                        27     42
         d  Status...
         d                        43     52
         d  JobType...
         d                        53     53
         d  JobSubType...
         d                        54     54
         d  Reserved01...
         d                        55     56
         dLJOB200          ds                           qualified
         d  JobName...
         d                         1     10
         d  UserName...
         d                        11     20
         d  JobNumber...
         d                        21     26
         d  InternalJobId...
         d                        27     42
         d  Status...
         d                        43     52
         d  JobType...
         d                        53     53
         d  JobSubType...
         d                        54     54
         d  Reserved01...
         d                        55     56
         d  JobInfoStatus...
         d                        57     57
         d  Reserved02...
         d                        58     60
         d  NumberOfFieldsReturned...
         d                        61     64B 0
         d  ReturnedData...
         d                        65   1064
         dLJOB200KEY       ds                           qualified
         d  KeyNumber01...
         d                         1      4B 0
         d  NumberOfKeys...
         d                         5      8B 0
         dLJOBKEYINFO      ds                           qualified
         d  LengthOfInformation...
         d                         1      4b 0
         d  KeyField...
         d                         5      8b 0
         d  TypeOfData...
         d                         9      9
         d  Reserved01...
         d                        10     12
         d  LengthOfData...
         d                        13     16B 0
         d  KeyData...
         d                        17   1016
          *  APIErrDef     Standard API error handling structure.                  *
         dQUSEC            DS
         d  ErrorBytesProvided...
         d                         1      4B 0
         d  ErrorBytesAvailble...
         d                         5      8b 0
         d  ErrorExceptionId...
         d                         9     15
         d  ErrorReserved...
         d                        16     16
         dAPIError         DS
         d APIErrorProvied...
         d                                     LIKE( ErrorBytesProvided )
         d                                     INZ( %LEN( APIError ) )
         d APIErrorAvailble...
         d                                     LIKE( ErrorBytesAvailble )
         d APIErrorMessageID...
         d                                     LIKE( ErrorExceptionId )
         d APIErrorReserved...
         d                                     LIKE( ErrorReserved )
         d APIErrorInformation...
         d                              240A
          * program status dataarea
         d PgmSts         SDS
         d   P1User              254    263
         d   W1Program       *PROC
          * work fields                                                  *
         d Variables       ds
         d   Q                            1    inz( '''' )
         d   Count                       15  0 inz(  0   )
         d   KeyCount                    15  0 inz(  0   )
         d   EndPos                      15  0 inz(  0   )
         d   JobbStatus                   4    inz( ' '  )
         d   Subsystem                   20    inz( ' '  )
         d   ReturnCode                   1    inz( ' '  )
         d   FormatName                   8    inz( ' ' )
         d   QualifedJobName...
         d                               26    inz( ' ' )
         d   JobStatus                   10    inz( ' ' )
         d   JobType                      1    inz( ' ' )
         d   NbrOfFldRtn                  8B 0 inz(  0  )
         d   KeyFldRtn                    8B 0 inz(  0  ) dim( 100 )
         d   StartingPosition...
         d                                8B 0 inz(  0  )
         d   LengthOfData...
         d                                8B 0 inz(  0  )
         d   KeyStartingPosition...
         d                                8B 0 inz(  0  )
         d   KeyLengthOfData...
         d                                8B 0 inz(  0  )
         d   ReceiverVariable...
         d                            32048
         d   OS400_Cmd                 2000    inz( ' '  )
         d   CmdLength                   15P 5 inz( %size( OS400_Cmd ) )
         d   True                         1    inz( *on  )
         d   False                        1    inz( *off )
           // Create a user space
              size = 10000;
             // Create a user space
             QUSCRTUS(UsrSpcName: 'USRSPC': size: x'00': '*ALL':
              'Temp User Space for  QUSLJOB API':  '*YES': APIError);
           exsr CheckStatusOfJob;
           *inlr = *on;
           // *************************************************************
           // check status of an job
           // -------------------------------------------------------------
           begsr CheckStatusOfJob;
           // run API to fill user space with information about all iSeries job
           FormatName = 'JOBL0200';
           QualifedJobName = '*ALL      ' + '*ALL      ' + '*ALL  ';
           JobStatus = '*ACTIVE';
           JobType = '*';
           NbrOfFldRtn = 2;
           KeyFldRtn( 1 ) = 0101;
           KeyFldRtn( 2 ) = 1906;
           callp QUSLJOB( UsrSpcName : FormatName  : QualifedJobName :
                          JobStatus  : APIError    :
                          JobType    : NbrOfFldRtn : KeyFldRtn         );
            // if error message from the retrieve job API then dump program
           if APIErrorMessageID <> ' ';
             ReturnCode = True;
           // run API to get user space attribute
           StartingPosition = 125;
           LengthOfData = 16;
           callp QUSRTVUS( UsrSpcName   : StartingPosition  :
                           LengthOfData : ReceiverVariable  :
                           APIError                           );
           QUSA0100 = ReceiverVariable;
            // if error message from the retrieve user space API then dump program
           if APIErrorMessageID <> ' ';
             ReturnCode = True;
           // preperation to read from user space
           StartingPosition = QUsrSpcOffset + 1;
           LengthOfData = QUsrSpcEntrieSize;
           // read from user space
           for count = 1 to QUsrSpcEntries;
             callp QUSRTVUS( UsrSpcName   : StartingPosition  :
                             LengthOfData : ReceiverVariable  :
                             APIError                           );
             LJOB200 = ReceiverVariable;
             if APIErrorMessageID <> ' ';
               ReturnCode = True;
             // check status of job
             JobbStatus = ' ';
             Subsystem = ' ';
             LJobKeyInfo = LJob200.ReturnedData;
             // Job type
             // A  The job is an autostart job.
             // B  The job is a batch job.
             // I  The job is an interactive job.
             // M  The job is a subsystem monitor job.
             // R  The job is a spooled reader job.
             // S  The job is a system job.
             // W  The job is a spooled writer job.
             // X  The job is the SCPF system job.
             // Job subtype
             // D  The job is a batch immediate job.
             // E  The job started with a procedure start request.
             // F  The job is an AS/400 Advanced 36 machine server job.
             // J  The job is a prestart job.
             // P  The job is a print driver job.
             // T  The job is a System/36 multiple requester terminal (MRT) job.
             // U  The job is an alternate spool user.
             KeyStartingPosition = 1;
             KeyLengthOfData = LJobKeyInfo.LengthOfInformation;
             for keycount = 1 to LJob200.NumberOfFieldsReturned;
               LJobKeyInfo = %subst( LJob200.ReturnedData :
                                     KeyStartingPosition :
                                     KeyLengthOfData );
               KeyLengthOfData = LJobKeyInfo.LengthOfInformation;
               LJobKeyInfo = %subst( LJob200.ReturnedData :
                                     KeyStartingPosition :
                                     KeyLengthOfData );
               Endpos = LJobKeyInfo.LengthOfData;
               if     LJobKeyInfo.KeyField = 0101;
                  JobbStatus = %subst( LJobKeyInfo.KeyData : 1 :  Endpos );
               elseif LJobKeyInfo.KeyField = 1906;
                  Subsystem = %subst( LJobKeyInfo.KeyData : 1 : Endpos );
               KeyStartingPosition = KeyStartingPosition + KeyLengthOfData;
             // if job in message wait then email message to address in
             // variable email address
             if Jobbstatus = 'MSGW';
             StartingPosition = StartingPosition + LengthOfData;
    Attached Files
    All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
    and I take no responsibility for any of them.


    • #3
      Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

      and just cause I think you dont smell tooooo bad!

      as400pro couldnt find his A$$ with 6 arms!

      job queue reader
            // ****************************************************************** //
            // *  Compile Options                                               * //
            // ****************************************************************** //
           H Option(*SRCSTMT:*NODEBUGIO)
            // ****************************************************************** //
            // *  Definition Specifations                                       * //
            // ****************************************************************** //
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------ //
            // - External Prototypes                                            - //
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------ //
           D GETJOBQ         PR                  EXTPGM('QSPRJOBQ')
           D  RECIEVER                    144A
           D  RCVRLEN                      10I 0 const
           D  FORMAT                        8A   const
           D  JOBQ                         20A   conST
           D  ERROR                       116A
           DQSPQ010000       DS
           D*                                             Qsp JOBQ0100
           D QSPBRTN00               1      4B 0
           D*                                             Bytes Returned
           D QSPBAVL00               5      8B 0
           D*                                             Bytes Available
           D QSPJQN                  9     18
           D*                                             Job Queue Name
           D QSPJQLN                19     28
           D*                                             Job Queue Lib Name
           D QSPOC01                29     38
           D*                                             Operator Controlled
           D QSPAC                  39     48
           D*                                             Authority Check
           D QSPNBRJ                49     52B 0
           D*                                             Number Jobs
           D QSPJQS                 53     62
           D*                                             Job Queue Status
           D QSPSN                  63     72
           D*                                             Subsystem Name
           D QSPTD                  73    122
           D*                                             Text Description
           D QSPSLN                123    132
           D*                                             Subsystem Lib Name
           D QSPSNBR01             133    136B 0
           D*                                             Sequence Number
           D QSPMA00               137    140B 0
           D*                                             Maximum Active
           D QSPCA00               141    144B 0
            *                                             Current Active
           DQSPQ020000       DS
           D*                                             Qsp JOBQ0200
           D QSPBRTN05               1      4B 0
           D*                                             Bytes Returned
           D QSPBAVL03               5      8B 0
           D*                                             Bytes Available
           D QSPJQN02                9     18
           D*                                             Job Queue Name
           D QSPJQLN02              19     28
           D*                                             Job Queue Lib Name
           D QSPOC02                29     38
           D*                                             Operator Controlled
           D QSPAC00                39     48
           D*                                             Authority Check
           D QSPNBRJ00              49     52B 0
           D*                                             Number Jobs
           D QSPJQS01               53     62
           D*                                             Job Queue Status
           D QSPSN02                63     72
           D*                                             Subsystem Name
           D QSPSLN00               73     82
           D*                                             Subsystem Lib Name
           D QSPTD00                83    132
           D*                                             Text Description
           D QSPSNBR02             133    136B 0
           D*                                             Sequence Number
           D QSPMA01               137    140B 0
           D*                                             Maximum Active
           D QSPCA01               141    144B 0
           D*                                             Current Active
           D QSPMAP1               145    148B 0
           D*                                             Max Active Priority
           D QSPMAP2               149    152B 0
           D*                                             Max Active Priority
           D QSPMAP3               153    156B 0
           D*                                             Max Active Priority
           D QSPMAP4               157    160B 0
           D*                                             Max Active Priority
           D QSPMAP5               161    164B 0
           D*                                             Max Active Priority
           D QSPMAP6               165    168B 0
           D*                                             Max Active Priority
           D QSPMAP7               169    172B 0
           D*                                             Max Active Priority
           D QSPMAP8               173    176B 0
           D*                                             Max Active Priority
           D QSPMAP9               177    180B 0
           D*                                             Max Active Priority
           D QSPAJP0               181    184B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPAJP1               185    188B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPAJP2               189    192B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPAJP3               193    196B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPAJP4               197    200B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPAJP5               201    204B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPAJP6               205    208B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPAJP7               209    212B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPAJP8               213    216B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPAJP9               217    220B 0
           D*                                             Active Jobs Priorit
           D QSPJOQP0              221    224B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP1              225    228B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP2              229    232B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP3              233    236B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP4              237    240B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP5              241    244B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP6              245    248B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP7              249    252B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP8              253    256B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP9              257    260B 0
           D*                                             RLS Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP000            261    264B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP100            265    268B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP200            269    272B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP300            273    276B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP400            277    280B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP500            281    284B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP600            285    288B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP700            289    292B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP800            293    296B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP900            297    300B 0
           D*                                             SCH Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP001            301    304B 0
           D*                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP101            305    308B 0
           D*                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP201            309    312B 0
           D*                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP301            313    316B 0
           D*                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP401            317    320B 0
           D*                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP501            321    324B 0
           D*                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP601            325    328B 0
           D*                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP701            329    332B 0
           D*                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP801            333    336B 0
           D*                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           D QSPJOQP901            337    340B 0
            *                                             HLD Jobs on Queue P
           DQUSEC            DS
            *                                             Qus EC
           D QUSBPRV                 1      4B 0
            *                                             Bytes Provided
           D QUSBAVL                 5      8B 0
            *                                             Bytes Available
           D QUSEI                   9     15
            *                                             Exception Id
           D QUSERVED               16     16
            *                                             Reserved
           D*QUSED01                17     17
           D*                                      Varying length
           DQUSC0200         DS
           D*                                             Qus ERRC0200
           D QUSK01                  1      4B 0
           D*                                             Key
           D QUSBPRV00               5      8B 0
           D*                                             Bytes Provided
           D QUSBAVL14               9     12B 0
           D*                                             Bytes Available
           D QUSEI00                13     19
           D*                                             Exception Id
           D QUSERVED39             20     20
           D*                                             Reserved
           D QUSCCSID11             21     24B 0
           D*                                             CCSID
           D QUSOED01               25     28B 0
           D*                                             Offset Exc Data
           D QUSLED01               29     32B 0
           D*                                             Length Exc Data
           D*QUSRSV214              33     33
           D*                                             Reserved2
           D QUSED01                      100A
            * Standard API error data structure
           d APIERROR        DS                  INZ
           d  AEBYPR                 1      4B 0
           d  AEBYAV                 5      8B 0
           d  AEEXID                 9     15
           d  AEEXDT                16    116
            // ****************************************************************** //
            // *  Main Calculations                                             * //
            // ****************************************************************** //
                         'QNIGHT    QGPL':APIERROR);
             DSPLY QSPSN;
             *INLR = *On;
      Attached Files
      All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
      and I take no responsibility for any of them.


      • #4
        Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

        This website is psychic!! Here's my situation:
        * User pulls up a customer
        * System fills the "in use" fields (User, WorkStn, Job#) from the PSDS.
        * User either presses SysRq or after an hour they get bumped off because of QINACTITV.
        * Another user tries to pull up the cust and gets a message that says "Cust in use by MYUSER at MYWORKSTN, job# 999999."

        So... I was looking for a way:
        1) To determine if the job is ended -- go ahead and unlock the job
        2) If it's a SysRq issue (option 1=display sign on for an alternate job), tell the person to go to the other session and release the cust.

        Thank you jamie for addressing my needs before I started to go searching the site to find the answer. I guess itp also gets credit for starting the thread.


        • #5
          Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

          glad I could help.......but I think Psycho not Psychic
          All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
          and I take no responsibility for any of them.


          • #6
            Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

            Please look also at the following link:


            • #7
              Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

              Wow that works. Thanks dude.


              • #8
                Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

                which worked?
                All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
                and I take no responsibility for any of them.



                • #9
                  Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq


                  Would your solution work in the following scenario?

                  I need to get a list of all the interactive jobs in a particular subsystem. I don't need the batch interactive jobs, just interactive. Would I be able to get a list of Job, User, and Number so that I could feed it through a CHGJOB command?
                  Your future President



                  • #10
                    Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

                    Originally posted by bryce4president View Post

                    Would your solution work in the following scenario?

                    I need to get a list of all the interactive jobs in a particular subsystem. I don't need the batch interactive jobs, just interactive. Would I be able to get a list of Job, User, and Number so that I could feed it through a CHGJOB command?
                    just at a glance between the 2 posts of code you should be able to piece together what you need for this.
                    I'm not anti-social, I just don't like people -Tommy Holden


                    • #11
                      Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

                      Ok. Just making sure its possible in theory before I attempt to do it in practice.
                      Your future President



                      • #12
                        Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

                        yes ...... i would think in most case all interactive jobs are in QINTER...

                        just change this line:
                        QualifedJobName = '*ALL ' + '*ALL ' + '*ALL ';

                        I think the second *ALL should be "QINTER" your gonna have to test
                        All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
                        and I take no responsibility for any of them.



                        • #13
                          Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

                          Hehe, we always to say in our shop "well, in theory everything workds".


                          • #14
                            Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

                            In Jamie's first example I changed the line...
                                   JobType = '*';
                                   JobType = 'I';
                            that way I would only see interactive jobs.

                            Then at the bottom if JobStatus = "RUN" would give me all the actively running interactive jobs right?

                            So I have this...

                                     if Jobbstatus = 'RUN';
                                       dsply 'Found a running Job';
                            This would display the message Found a running Job for each running interactive jog right?

                            The code compiles, so if I run this it won't hurt anything right? I just want to double check...
                            Your future President



                            • #15
                              Re: utility to monitor a susbsystem & jobq

                              I don't want any of the PJ or BCH jobs in QINTER, just the INT.

                              I only have the production system to run this on, I just want to make sure nothing will get effed
                              Your future President


