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Free Format with SQLRPG

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  • Free Format with SQLRPG


    Can any one upload a complete RPG source code which contain Free Format code as well as SQLRPGLE code.


  • #2
    Try this tool - Temp solution

    Here is a product that will let you convert (10) programs for free to /FREE.

    Just download the save file and install on your iseries

    take care


    • #3
      Free form RPG

      You can convert any program to "free" for free if you have any compiler. Just use the CODE editor and click "Convert to free-form" and it done instantly. Great learning tool.


      • #4
        Okay you convinced me

        Im going to load that up today....We just went to V5R3 this last weekend.

        Are you available for help

        Take care
        All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
        and I take no responsibility for any of them.


        • #5

          If you are using V5R3, you may want to just stick with the LPEX editor included with WDSc. It's much improved over 5.2 and now includes most CODE features (including "automatic" free-form conversion).


          • #6
            Re: Free Format with SQLRPG

            Originally posted by sam400

            Can any one upload a complete RPG source code which contain Free Format code as well as SQLRPGLE code.


            Here's my latest SQLRPGLE program where I finally put all the ugly SQL into procedures so my /free code stayed nice and pretty!

            OK, that's hideous! Jamie, what did I do wrong in attaching that? It's a .txt file and it came out a mess.

            Code400 has become "kick-a**" . Great job.

            Attached Files
            Your friends list is empty!


            • #7
              It does look hideous

              The easiest way I have found to get good text files to post is to use QDLS.....I know old school...

              I just use the cpytopcd command then use ops nav or Iseries nav ...whatever the name is today then just drop on my desktop.....

              Take care thanks for the kind words..
              All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
              and I take no responsibility for any of them.



              • #8
                Here ya go

                Free format SQL from Mike......

                ----Also Attached

                      *       Program:  EPOPOLOCHK                                         *
                      *          Text:  Price discrepancy issues                           *
                      *        Author:  Mike Haston                                        *
                      *  Date created:  November 2004                                      *
                      *                                                                    *
                      *                                                                    *
                      * compile options                                                    *
                     h bnddir( 'QC2LE' : 'JPLPGM/JPL_UTIL' )
                     h dftactgrp( *no )
                     h debug  option( *srcstmt : *nodebugio )
                      * file specifications                                                *
                     fEDIPRT10  o    f  198        printer oflind(*inof) usropn
                      * prototype definitions for procedures                               *
                      * to call cl commands
                     d qcmdexc         pr            10i 0 extproc( 'system' )
                     d command                         *   value options( *string )
                      * date procedure prototypes
                     d/copy acscpy,dateproto
                      * create sql tables
                     d #createTables   pr
                      * drop sql tables
                     d #dropTables     pr
                      * gather voided records from epopolo file
                     d #getVoidedRecords...
                     d                 pr
                      * get price details by upc from epopolo file
                     d #getPriceChangeDetails...
                     d                 pr
                     d upc                           12a
                      * get first record from table1
                     d #getTable1Record...
                     d                 pr
                      * get next record from table1
                     d #getNextTable1Record...
                     d                 pr
                      * get first record from table2
                     d #getTable2Record...
                     d                 pr
                      * get next record from table2
                     d #getNextTable2Record...
                     d                 pr
                      * send email report
                     d #sendEmail      pr
                      * standalone variable, arrays, data structures                       *
                      * global variables - contains PSDS with spool file info
                     d/copy acscpy,globalvars
                     d acct#           s              5a
                     d apos            c                   x'7D'
                     d color           s              3a
                     d count           s             10i 0
                     d createReport    s               n
                     d current         s              8s 0
                     d division        s              2a
                     d folder          s             10a   varying
                     d heldUPC         s             12a
                     d heldRetail      s              7s 2
                     d heldPrice       s              7s 2
                     d i               s             10i 0
                     d lastPrint       s              8s 0
                     d message         s            256a   varying
                     d newP            c                   ':/P'
                     d oneYearOld      s              8s 0
                     d price           s              7s 2
                     d po#             s             22a
                     d rcvDate         s              8s 0
                     d reportTitle     s             40a
                     d retail          s              7s 2
                     d season          s              1a
                     d size            s              3a
                     d status          s              1a
                     d subject         s             60a   varying
                     d style           s             12a
                     d todaysDate      s             35a
                     d toFile          s            100a   varying
                     d totalPrice      s             10s 2
                     d totalRetail     s             10s 2
                     d upc             s             12a
                     d usaTime         s               t   timfmt(*usa)
                     d voidDate        s              8s 0
                     d x               s             10i 0
                      * data array
                     d                 ds
                     d data                                dim( 300 )
                     d pacct#                         5a   overlay( data )
                     d pupc                          12a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d pvoidDate                     10a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d pstatus                        1a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d pdivision                      2a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d pseason                        1a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d pstyle                        12a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d pcolor                         3a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d psize                          3a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d pretail                        7s 2 overlay( data : *next )
                     d pprice                         7s 2 overlay( data : *next )
                     d ppo#                          22a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d prcvDate                      10a   overlay( data : *next )
                     d pLastPrint                    10a   overlay( data : *next )
                        // setup email variables
                        subject = 'FOJ Price Difference Notification';
                        message = 'A price discrepancy has been detected.  Please '
                                + 'review the attached report.  Do not reply to this '
                                + 'email as it has been automatically generated.';
                        // report & spool file info
                        reportTitle = 'FOJ Price Difference Notification';
                        tofile = '/qdls/reports/epopolo.pdf';
                        todaysDate = #dayName( %date() ) + ', ' + #completeDate( %date() );
                        usaTime = %time();
                        current = %int( %char( %date() : *iso0 ) );
                        // ** testing **current = 20040703;
                        oneYearOld = %int( %char( %date() - %years(1) : *iso0 ) );
                        // override printer file
                        qcmdexc( 'OVRPRTF FILE(EDIPRT10) OUTQ(EDIERROR) HOLD(*YES)' );
                        open EDIPRT10;
                        *inof = *on;
                        // create temporary tables in qtemp
                        // get voided polo records for current day from epopolo file
                        // get price information by upc from epopolo file
                        dow sqlcod = 0;
                          #getPriceChangeDetails( upc );
                        // roll thru table2 which contains all information by upc
                        // place info in data array
                        dow sqlcod = 0;
                          if upc = heldUPC;
                            i += 1;
                            pacct#(i) = acct#;
                            pupc(i) = upc;
                            pstatus(i) = status;
                            pdivision(i) = division;
                            pseason(i) = season;
                            pstyle(i) = style;
                            pcolor(i) = color;
                            psize(i) = size;
                            pretail(i) = retail;
                            totalRetail += retail;
                            pprice(i) = price;
                            totalPrice += price;
                            ppo#(i) = po#;
                            if voidDate > 0;
                              pvoidDate(i) = %char( %date( voidDate : *iso ) : *usa );
                            if rcvDate > 0;
                              prcvDate(i) = %char( %date( rcvDate : *iso ) : *usa );
                            if lastPrint > 0;
                              pLastPrint(i) = %char( %date( lastPrint : *iso ) : *usa );
                            // if there is a price change at any point in the history
                            // we write it to the report
                            if ( totalPrice / i <> pprice(1) )
                            or ( totalRetail / i <> pretail(1) );
                              // data array holds data per upc.  write it out to report
                              for x = 1 to i;
                                if ( pprice(x) <> heldPrice ) or ( pLastPrint(x) <> *blanks);
                                  if x = 1;
                                    *in80 = *on;
                                  if *inof;
                                    createReport = *on;
                                    except header;
                                    *in80 = *on;
                                  if *in80;
                                    except blank;
                                  except detail;
                                  *in80 = *off;
                                  heldRetail = pretail(x);
                                  heldPrice = pprice(x);
                              heldRetail = 0;
                              heldPrice = 0;
                            // reset counters and fill first array element
                            reset data;
                            heldUPC = upc;
                            totalPrice = 0;
                            totalRetail = 0;
                            i = 1;
                            pacct#(i) = acct#;
                            pupc(i) = upc;
                            pstatus(i) = status;
                            pdivision(i) = division;
                            pseason(i) = season;
                            pstyle(i) = style;
                            pcolor(i) = color;
                            psize(i) = size;
                            pretail(i) = retail;
                            totalRetail += retail;
                            pprice(i) = price;
                            totalPrice += price;
                            ppo#(i) = po#;
                            if voidDate > 0;
                              pvoidDate(i) = %char( %date( voidDate : *iso ) : *usa );
                            if rcvDate > 0;
                              prcvDate(i) = %char( %date( rcvDate : *iso ) : *usa );
                            if lastPrint > 0;
                              pLastPrint(i) = %char( %date( lastPrint : *iso ) : *usa );
                        close EDIPRT10;
                        // if report is generated, email it
                        if createReport;
                        // drop (deleted) the temporary tables
                        *inlr = *on;
                     oEDIPRT10  e            header         1 01
                     o                       todaysDate          35
                     o                       reportTitle         95
                     o                       procName           132
                     o          e            header         1
                     o                       usaTime              8
                     o                                          127 'Page:'
                     o                       page          Z    132
                     o          e            header      1  1
                     o                                           70 'FOA/FOJ'
                     o                                           80 'FOA/FOJ'
                     o                                          127 'Selected'
                     o          e            header         1
                     o                                            5 'Acct#'
                     o                                           10 'UPC'
                     o                                           24 'Sts'
                     o                                           29 'Div'
                     o                                           34 'Sea'
                     o                                           41 'Style'
                     o                                           55 'Color'
                     o                                           61 'Size'
                     o                                           69 'MSRP'
                     o                                           79 'Price'
                     o                                           97 'As seen on PO#'
                     o                                          116 'Date Rcvd'
                     o                                          128 'for print'
                     o          e            header
                     o                                            5 '-----'
                     o                                           19 '------------'
                     o                                           24 '---'
                     o                                           29 '---'
                     o                                           34 '---'
                     o                                           48 '------------'
                     o                                           55 '-----'
                     o                                           61 '----'
                     o                                           71 '--------'
                     o                                           81 '--------'
                     o                                          105 '----------------------'
                     o                                          117 '----------'
                     o                                          129 '----------'
                     o          e            detail         1
                     o                       pacct#(x)            5
                     o               80      pupc(x)             19
                     o                       pstatus(x)          23
                     o                       pdivision(x)        28
                     o                       pseason(x)          34
                     o                       pstyle(x)           48
                     o                       pcolor(x)           54
                     o                       psize(x)            61
                     o                       pretail(x)    3     71
                     o                       pprice(x)     3     81
                     o                       ppo#(x)            105
                     o                       prcvDate(x)        117
                     o                       pLastPrint(x)      129
                     o          e            blank       1
                     o                                            1 ' '
                      * procedure:  #createTables                                          *
                      * purpose:    create temporary tables in qtemp                       *
                     p #createTables   b
                     d #createTables   pi
                      * create table1
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ create table qtemp/epotable1  (
                     c+     upc       char(12 ),
                     c+     voidDate  decimal(8,0)
                     c+     )
                      * create table2
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ create table qtemp/epotable2  (
                     c+     acct#          char( 5 ),
                     c+     upc            char(12 ),
                     c+     voidDate       decimal(8,0),
                     c+     status         char( 1 ),
                     c+     division       char( 2 ),
                     c+     season         char( 1 ),
                     c+     style          char(12 ),
                     c+     color          char( 3 ),
                     c+     size           char( 3 ),
                     c+     retail         decimal(7,2),
                     c+     price          decimal(7,2),
                     c+     po#            char(22 ),
                     c+     rcvDate        decimal(8,0),
                     c+     lastPrint      decimal(8,0)
                     c+     )
                     p #createTables   e
                      * procedure:  #getVoidedRecords                                      *
                      * purpose:    grab records from epopolo file that are in 'V' status  *
                      *             and have a void date of today                          *
                     p #getVoidedRecords...
                     p                 b
                     d #getVoidedRecords...
                     d                 pi
                      * select records
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ insert into qtemp/epotable1
                     c+ select distinct epjupc, epvdat
                     c+ from jplfil/epopolo
                     c+ where epedtr = :current
                     c+ with nc
                     p #getVoidedRecords...
                     p                 e
                      * procedure:  #getPriceChangeDetails                                 *
                      * purpose:    go out by upc and get the price history going back as  *
                      *             far as 1 year.  populate table2 with this info.        *
                     p #getPriceChangeDetails...
                     p                 b
                     d #getPriceChangeDetails...
                     d                 pi
                     d upc                           12a
                      * select records
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ insert into qtemp/epotable2
                     c+  select distinct acct#, epjupc, epvdat, epstat, epjdiv, epjsea,
                     c+    epjsty, epjclr, epjsiz, epprtl, eppprc, epepo#, epedtr, eplpdt
                     c+  from jplfil/epopolo, jplfil/epoc1l2
                     c+  where epjupc = :upc and epedtr > :oneYearOld and beg03 = epepo#
                     c+ with nc
                     p #getPriceChangeDetails...
                     p                 e
                      * procedure:  #getTable1Record                                       *
                      * purpose:    like a primer read, get the first record from table1   *
                     p #getTable1Record...
                     p                 b
                     d #getTable1Record...
                     d                 pi
                      * select records to the create summary file
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ declare c1 cursor for
                     c+ select upc
                     c+ from  qtemp/epotable1
                     c+ order by upc
                      * open cursor
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ open c1
                      * fetch cursor
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ fetch c1 into :upc
                     p #getTable1Record...
                     p                 e
                      * procedure:  #getNextTable1Record                                   *
                      * purpose:    get the next record from table1                        *
                     p #getNextTable1Record...
                     p                 b
                     d #getNextTable1Record...
                     d                 pi
                      * fetch cursor
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ fetch next from c1 into :upc
                     p #getNextTable1Record...
                     p                 e
                      * procedure:  #getTable2Record                                       *
                      * purpose:    like a primer read, get the first record from table2   *
                     p #getTable2Record...
                     p                 b
                     d #getTable2Record...
                     d                 pi
                      * select records
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ declare c2 cursor for
                     c+ select acct#, upc, voidDate, status, division, season, style,
                     c+        color, size, retail, price, po#, rcvDate, lastPrint
                     c+ from  qtemp/epotable2
                     c+ order by upc, rcvDate desc, voidDate, po#
                      * open cursor
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ open c2
                      * fetch cursor
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ fetch c2 into :acct#, :upc, :voidDate, :status, :division, :season,
                     c+   :style, :color, :size, :retail, :price, :po#, :rcvDate, :lastPrint
                        if sqlcod = 0;
                          heldUPC = upc;
                     p #getTable2Record...
                     p                 e
                      * procedure:  #getNextTable2Record                                   *
                      * purpose:    get the next record from table2                        *
                     p #getNextTable2Record...
                     p                 b
                     d #getNextTable2Record...
                     d                 pi
                      * fetch cursor
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ fetch next from c2 into :acct#, :upc, :voidDate, :status, :division,
                     c+   :season, :style, :color, :size, :retail, :price, :po#, :rcvDate,
                     c+   :lastPrint
                     p #getNextTable2Record...
                     p                 e
                      * procedure:  #dropTables                                            *
                      * purpose:    drop or delete the temporary tables from qtemp         *
                     p #dropTables     b
                     d #dropTables     pi
                      * close cursor
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ close c1
                      * drop table1
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ drop table qtemp/epotable1
                      * close cursor
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ close c2
                      * drop table2
                     c/exec sql
                     c+ drop table qtemp/epotable2
                     p #dropTables     e
                      * procedure:  #sendEmail                                             *
                      * purpose:    when a report is generated as a spool file we execute  *
                      *             this procedure.  convert the spool file into an Adobe  *
                      *             .pdf file.  change the authority on the .pdf so that   *
                      *             the public can view it.  send the distribution.  then  *
                      *             delete the original spool file since we don't need it. *
                     p #sendEmail      b
                     d #sendEmail      pi
                        // create the Adobe .pdf  file from the splf
                        qcmdexc( 'SPLPDF FILE(EDIPRT10) TOFILE('+ apos + tofile + apos + ') '
                               + 'JOB(' + %editc( jobNumber : 'X' ) + '/' + %trim( user )
                               + '/' + %trim( jobName ) + ') SPLNBR(*LAST) LAUNCH(*NO)'
                        // change authority so public and read
                        qcmdexc( 'CHGAUT OBJ(' + apos + tofile + apos + ') USER(*PUBLIC) '
                               + 'USER(*PUBLIC) DTAAUT(*RWX) OBJAUT(*ALL)'
                        // alternative command to change authority of IFS file
                        // QSH CMD('chmod ugo+r home/mhaston/www/pdf/epopolo.pdf')
                        // send email with attachment
                        // add *CC after name for carbon copy, *BCC for blind carbon copy
                        qcmdexc( 'SNDDST TYPE(*DOC) '
                               + 'TOINTNET('
                               + '( '
                               + '( '
                               + '( '
                               + '( *CC) '
                               + '( *BCC)'
                               + ') '
                               + 'DSTD(' + apos + subject + apos + ') '
                               + 'MSG(' + apos + message + apos + ') '
                               + 'DOC(EPOPOLO.PDF) '
                               + 'FLR(REPORTS) '
                        // dltsplf
                        qcmdexc( 'DLTSPLF FILE(EDIPRT10) '
                               + 'JOB(' + %editc( jobNumber : 'X' ) + '/' + %trim( user )
                               + '/' + %trim( jobName ) + ') SPLNBR(*LAST)'
                        // delete document from library
                        qcmdexc( 'DLTDLO DLO(EPOPOLO.PDF) FLR(REPORTS)' );
                     p #sendEmail      e
                Attached Files
                All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
                and I take no responsibility for any of them.


