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SQL/CL sample

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  • SQL/CL sample

    A week or so ago, a thread around QShell and SQL got me thinking that I've never run across examples of SQL in CL posted anywhere; so I thought I'd put one together. I used a bunch of code I had from other things and built the following. It's thinned down quite a bit just to highlight the API calls, but it's a reasonably full example that should show what's possible. Because it's done in CL, it might help make it clear that it also works in RPG, COBOL or C for anyone who doesn't have the SQL Dev Kit available.

    If you have V5R4 or later with reliable PTFs, the code should compile and run as is. As written, it expects IBM's QCUSTCDT file to exist in library QIWS. Those should be the only requirements beyond general authorities to do the operations.

    The program first runs:
    CREATE VIEW qtemp.myview01 AS 
            current date as CurDat 
        FROM qiws.qcustcdt 
        WHERE BALDUE > 100.00
    With the VIEW available, it creates this cursor:
        CAST(a.BALDUE AS DECIMAL (7,2)) AS MaxBal, 
    FROM qtemp.myview01 a 
                      FROM qtemp.myview01 b)
    It then FETCHes a row that the cursor provides (there's only one row in IBM's default data), reports the column values as formatted message text, closes the cursor, and finally cleans up the allocated SQL work areas.

    The program:
    /* +
       Basic example of CL executing a SQL statement. Requires V5R4 for    +
       the full set of functions used. (Statements that are generally      +
       available for RUNSQLSTM can be processed by similar coding using    +
       V5R3 constructs, e.g., SELECTs are out; but INSERT, UPDATE and      +
       DELETE, as well as CREATE and DROP are fine.)                       +
         SQLAllocEnv      Allocate a SQL environment work area             +
         SQLAllocConnect  Allocate a connection work area                  +
         SQLConnect       Connect to a database                            +
         SQLAllocStmt     Allocate a statement work area                   +
         SQLExecDirect    Direct execution of SQL statements               +
         SQLFreeStmt      Clean up the statement work area                 +
         SQLTransact      Commit/Rollback database changes                 +
         SQLDisconnect    Disconnect from the database                     +
         SQLFreeConnect   Clean up the connection work area                +
         SQLFreeEnv       Clean up the SQL environment work area           +
         SQLColAttribute  Get attributes of a result set column (V5R4)     +
         SQLBindCol       Bind/describe a column for retrieval (V5R4)      +
         SQLFetch         FETCH a row (V5R4)                               +
         SQLCloseCursor   Close cursor (V5R4)                              +
         SQLError         Retrieve SQL error                               +
         triml            Find string length                               +
         SYNSQL (QSQCHKS) Syntax check SQL statement                       +
    pgm    ( +
       dcl   &pNull      *ptr
       dcl   &SQLRC      *int
       dcl   &hEnv       *int
       dcl   &hDBC       *int
       dcl   &hStm       *int
       dcl   &subRC      *int           value( 0 )
       dcl   &wInt       *int           value( 0 )
       dcl   &ofs        *int           value( 0 )
       dcl   &i          *int     2     value( 0 )
       dcl   &SQL_SynStm *char 4098
       dcl   &szSQL_Stm  *int     2     stg( *defined ) defvar( &SQL_SynStm  1 )
       dcl   &SQL_Stm    *char  256     stg( *defined ) defvar( &SQL_SynStm  3 )
       dcl   &SQLDESCCNT *int     2     value( 1 )
       dcl   &SQLDESCTYP *int     2     value( 2 )
       dcl   &SQLDESCLEN *int     2     value( 3 )
       dcl   &SQLNUMERIC *int     2     value( 2 )
       dcl   &SQLDECIMAL *int     2     value( 3 )
       dcl   &SQLCOMMIT  *int     2     value( 0 )
       dcl   &SQLNTS     *int           value( -3 )
       dcl   &SQLDROP    *int     2     value( 1 )
       dcl   &iCol       *int     2     value( 0 )
       dcl   &fcType     *int     2     value( 0 )
       dcl   &bufCol     *ptr
       dcl   &cbValueMax *int           value( 0 )
       dcl   &ppcbValue  *ptr
       dcl   &nAttr      *int           value( 0 )
       dcl   &smZero     *int     2     value( 0 )
       dcl   &x00        *char    1     value( x'00' )
       dcl   &szSqlState *char    6
       dcl   &pfNtvError *int
       dcl   &szErrorMsg *char  512
       dcl   &szErrorMax *int           value( 512 )
       dcl   &pcbError   *int     2
       dcl   &msgtxt     *char  132
       dcl   &msgdta     *char   28
       dcl   &pMsgDta    *ptr           address( &msgdta )
       dcl   &nbrCols    *int           value( 0 )
       dcl   &ColAttrs   *char   48
       dcl   &pColAttr   *ptr           address( &ColAttrs )
       dcl   &ColAttr    *char   12     stg( *BASED ) basptr( &pColAttr )
       dcl   &psCol      *int           stg( *defined ) defvar( &ColAttr  1 )
       dcl   &DescType   *int           stg( *defined ) defvar( &ColAttr  5 )
       dcl   &pcbValue   *int           stg( *defined ) defvar( &ColAttr  9 )
    /* +
       We start by doing some initialization tasks. A SQL 'environment'    +
       will be allocated first, and a 'handle' is returned. Only SQL knows +
       exactly where it is and how it's used. We just need to keep track   +
       of the handle, which is only valid in this job. Then a SQL connec-  +
       tion area is requested (apparently carved out of the environment).  +
       Again a handle is returned and we keep track of it.                 +
    /* Perform some initialization tasks...                */
       callsubr InitSub      rtnval( &subRC )
    /* +
       Now that we have the areas allocated, we'll open a connection. For  +
       this example, we'll just pass null pointers in for the database,    +
       user and password. The database can be named '*LOCAL' if you wish,  +
       or you can use any database defined in the system's RDB directory   +
       as long as you can supply appropriate user/password.                +
    /* Do a default connection for *LOCAL database...      */
       callsubr GetConn      rtnval( &subRC )
    /* +
       Now we need to carve out a SQL statement area. We'll reuse this     +
       area a few times; the handle gets tied to the connection within the +
       database within the environment.                                    +
    /* Allocate a statement work handle...                 */
       callsubr InitStm      rtnval( &subRC )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       This first example is relatively simple. We'll create a sample view +
       in QTEMP over IBM's sample QCUSTCDT physical file in the QIWS       +
       library. A few of the columns are made available in the VIEW, and a +
       CurrentDate column is generated. The VIEW will then be available to +
       the job, but we're not going to keep it around for very long. We    +
       aren't using the SQLSetConnectAttr() API in this example, so SQL    +
       naming is in effect by default as is ISO DATE format.               +
    /* Set up a SQL statement for an example...            */
       chgvar      &SQL_Stm       ( +
                                   'CREATE VIEW qtemp.myview01 AS +
                                    SELECT +
                                    CUSNUM, LSTNAM, INIT, BALDUE, +
                                    current date as CurDat +
                                    FROM qiws.qcustcdt +
                                    WHERE BALDUE > 100.00' +
                                    *cat &x00 +
    /* +
       We're calling the syntax check API just to include it as another    +
       example. This would be more useful if we didn't have constant       +
       strings that we probably have already verified. You might notice    +
       that x'00' is at the end of the string. That's because we're using  +
       SQL_NTS (null-terminated string) in all of our statement processing +
       APIs. You can switch to using actual lengths in place of SQL_NTS.   +
    /* Check SQL statement syntax...                       */
       callsubr ChkSQLSyn    rtnval( &subRC )
    /* +
       We execute our statements with SQLExecDirect(). There are pros and  +
       cons for this compared with SQLPrepare() plus SQLExecute(). In this +
       example, we're not using parameter markers nor are we going to be   +
       using the same statements more than once. Just run it and go on to  +
       the next step.                                                      +
       automatically creates a CURSOR from it. There is no explicit        +
       'create cursor' function. It's simply associated with the statement +
       handle.                                                             +
    /* Execute a statement...                              */
       callsubr ExecStm      rtnval( &subRC )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       This is more complex statement and complex example. Here we'll      +
       execute a SELECT statement. When we do this, SQL CLI creates a      +
       CURSOR automatically from it. There is no explicit 'create cursor'  +
       function. It's simply associated with the statement handle. We want +
       to FETCH from the CURSOR to get some values into our program.       +
    /* Set up a second SQL statement for an example...            */
       chgvar      &SQL_Stm       ( +
                                   'SELECT a.CUSNUM, +
                                    a.LSTNAM, +
                                    CAST(a.BALDUE AS DECIMAL (7,2)) AS MaxBal, +
                                    a.CurDat +
                                    FROM qtemp.myview01 a +
                                    WHERE a.BALDUE = +
                                      (SELECT max(b.BALDUE) +
                                       FROM qtemp.myview01 b)' +
                                    *cat &x00 +
    /* Check SQL statement syntax...                       */
       callsubr ChkSQLSyn    rtnval( &subRC )
    /* Execute a statement...                              */
       callsubr ExecStm      rtnval( &subRC )
    /* +
       Since we have no DCLF, we have no external definitions for the      +
       columns. Once the CURSOR is generated, SQL knows them, so we can    +
       ask for just about any attributes we need.                          +
    /* Retrieve attributes of result set column...         */
       callsubr GetAttrs     rtnval( &subRC )
    /* +
       With the CURSOR attributes, we can tell SQL what we want to get     +
       when we FETCH. SQL will do any valid conversions if we want to have +
       application variables that are different from the CURSOR columns,   +
       but we're just going to pass column attributes back in. With APIs   +
       and pointers, we could do stuff like apply edit codes or edit words +
       or do our own data type conversions; but that's a different kind of +
       example. Bruce Vining (and others) have posted Internet examples of +
       ILE CL doing that with C library and MI APIs. We stick with SQL CLI +
       here.                                                               +
    /* Set up column definitions for FETCH...              */
       callsubr BindCols     rtnval( &subRC )
    /* Fetch a row...                                      */
       callsubr FetchRow     rtnval( &subRC )
    /* +
       We could call DSM APIs to display lists of rows or printf() for a   +
       spooled report. We could have DCLed variables to hold values and    +
       sent them to a DSPF or a UIM panel (since we know what our columns  +
       actually are in this example). But we're only asking for a single   +
       MAX() value that we know is unique in IBM's QCUSTCDT file, so we'll +
       just use a temporsry MsgID to display a result.                     +
    /* Report retrieved values...                          */
       callsubr RptValues    rtnval( &subRC )
    /* Close a cursor...                                   */
       callsubr CloseCursr   rtnval( &subRC )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       This isn't really an "example" since there's nothing new. It just   +
       puts QTEMP back to its previous state.                              +
    /* Set up a third SQL statement for an example...            */
       chgvar      &SQL_Stm     ( +
                                 'DROP VIEW qtemp.myview01' +
                                  *cat &x00 +
    /* Check SQL statement syntax...                       */
       callsubr ChkSQLSyn    rtnval( &subRC )
    /* Execute a statement...                              */
       callsubr ExecStm      rtnval( &subRC )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       Example statements are done, so we need to start cleaning up. The   +
       cleanup is done in reverse order of the way we created all of our   +
       work areas. Statement cleanup is first, then connection, then data- +
       base, and finally the SQL environment itself.                       +
    /* Free a statement...                                 */
       callsubr FreeStm      rtnval( &subRC )
    /* +
       This might or might not be needed. It depends on what statements    +
       you run and whether or not anything needs to be committed or rolled +
       back. We created (and dropped) an object, so we did technically     +
       "change" the databse. We run it here before closing the connection. +
    /* Finish a statement...                               */
       callsubr FiniStm      rtnval( &subRC )
    /* +
       This pretty much always needs to be done. Get rid of all of the     +
       remaining areas we had allocated in the beginning. And that gets us +
       completely out of any SQL associations.                             +
    /* Do some cleanup tasks...                            */
       callsubr FreeSub      rtnval( &subRC )
    /* +
       Most of the various subroutines are simple procedure calls to the   +
       APIs. The return codes are usually ignored, but I used SQLError()   +
       at a couple points to help in fine-tuning my statements. For some-  +
       thing like this example program, it's almost meaningless. But you   +
       should test the return codes everywhere in production code and have +
       appropriate handling of errors. The &SQLRC might be passed back as  +
       the &subRC or the handling can be with the API call.                +
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Perform some initialization tasks...                */
    subr     InitSub
       callprc  'SQLAllocEnv'     ( +
                                    &hEnv        +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       callprc  'SQLAllocConnect' ( +
                                    ( &hEnv *byval ) +
                                    &hDBC        +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Do a default connection for *LOCAL database...      */
    subr     GetConn
       callprc  'SQLConnect'      ( +
                                    ( &hDBC *byval ) +
          /* database (default) */  &x00         +
                                    ( &smZero *byval ) +
          /* user (default) */      &x00         +
                                    ( &smZero *byval ) +
          /* password (default) */  &x00         +
                                    ( &smZero *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Allocate a statement work handle...     */
    subr     InitStm
       callprc  'SQLAllocStmt'    ( +
                                    ( &hDBC *byval ) +
                                    &hStm        +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Execute a statement...     */
    subr     ExecStm
       callprc  'SQLExecDirect'   ( +
                                    ( &hStm *byval ) +
                                    &SQL_Stm     +
                                    ( &SQLNTS *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       if ( &SQLRC *ne 0 )  do
          callsubr GetError  rtnval( &subRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Free a statement...  */
    subr     FreeStm
       callprc  'SQLFreeStmt'     ( +
                                    ( &hStm *byval ) +
                                    ( &SQLDROP *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Finish a transaction...     */
    subr     FiniStm
       callprc  'SQLTransact'     ( +
                                    ( &hEnv *byval ) +
                                    ( &hDBC *byval ) +
                                    ( &SQLCOMMIT *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Do some cleanup tasks...                            */
    subr     FreeSub
       callprc  'SQLDisconnect'   ( +
                                    ( &hDBC *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       callprc  'SQLFreeConnect'  ( +
                                    ( &hDBC *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       callprc  'SQLFreeEnv'      ( +
                                    ( &hEnv *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       All we're getting are attribute values that are returned in &nAttr. +
       We want data type and length for our columns, and those are repre-  +
       sented either as various constants or as actual values. One value   +
       we retrieve will be the number of columns in the result set (in the +
       CURSOR). We'll use that as a loop control to get each column. We    +
       pass in &pNull pointers for parms that are irrelvant.         We    +
    /* Retrieve attributes of result set column...      */
    subr     GetColAttr
       callprc  'SQLColAttribute'  ( +
                                     ( &hStm *byval ) +
                                     ( &iCol *byval ) +
                                     ( &fcType *byval ) +
                                     ( &pNull *byval ) +
                                     ( &smZero *byval ) +
                                     ( &pNull *byval ) +
                                     &nAttr +
                                   ) +
                             rtnval( &SQLRC )
       if ( &SQLRC *ne 0 )  do
          callsubr GetError  rtnval( &subRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Bind a column definition for value retrieval...      */
    subr     BindCol
       callprc  'SQLBindCol'       ( +
                                     ( &hStm *byval ) +
                                     ( &iCol *byval ) +
                                     ( &fcType *byval ) +
                                     ( &bufCol *byval ) +
                                     ( &cbValueMax *byval ) +
                                     ( &pcbValue *byval ) +
                                   ) +
                             rtnval( &SQLRC )
       if ( &SQLRC *ne 0 )  do
          callsubr GetError  rtnval( &subRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Fetch a row...                                      */
    subr     FetchRow
       callprc  'SQLFetch'        ( +
                                    ( &hStm *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Close a cursor...                                   */
    subr     CloseCursr
       callprc  'SQLCloseCursor'  ( +
                                    ( &hStm *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       After getting &nbrCols, loop through for each column. Get the       +
       length and type for each. (We don't make use of &pcbValue in this   +
       example, but we declare it and later retrieve it when we bind       +
       columns. We account for it when we set our offset up by (12) here.  +
       We also reset our pointer back to its origin when we're done.       +
    /* Get result set column attributes...     */
    subr     GetAttrs
       chgvar        &iCol              ( 0 )
       chgvar        &fcType              &SQLDESCCNT
       callsubr GetColAttr   rtnval( &subRC )
       chgvar        &nbrCols             &nAttr
    /* Get result set column #1 attributes...     */
       dofor       &i  from( 1 ) to( &nbrCols )
          chgvar        &iCol                &i
          chgvar        &fcType              &SQLDESCLEN
          callsubr GetColAttr   rtnval( &subRC )
          chgvar        &psCol               &nAttr
          chgvar        &iCol                &i
          chgvar        &fcType              &SQLDESCTYP
          callsubr GetColAttr   rtnval( &subRC )
          chgvar        &DescType            &nAttr
          chgvar  %ofs( &pColAttr )  ( %ofs( &pColAttr ) + 12 )
       chgvar           &pColAttr     %addr( &ColAttrs )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       This perhaps is the trickiest of these APIs for how they're used in +
       this example program. Mostly we just use the column attributes that +
       we retrieved earlier. We have no need of any type conversions; we   +
       are going to FETCH columns exactly as they're described. But for    +
       SQL NUMERIC and DECIMAL, we weren't actually given a 'length'; we   +
       got 'precision' and 'scale' combined in a single 2-byte value that  +
       was stored in a 4-byte integer. The 3rd byte contains precision and +
       4th byte contains scale. To pass in a "length", we do integer       +
       division by 256 first. That effectively shifts the value 8 bits to  +
       the right and drops the 'scale' byte. For SQL NUMERIC (zoned), the  +
       result is the number of bytes. For SQL DECIMAL (packed), we add 1   +
       to the precision and divide by 2 for the number of bytes. For all   +
       other types, we use the original value. We don't have to do the     +
       'divide by 256'. We could simply redefine the 'precision' bytes and +
       access it directly.                                                 +
       Also, we're going to store the values in contiguous parts of the    +
       &msgdta variable, so we bump the pointer offset by the length each  +
       time through the loop. This effectively builds a record buffer.     +
    /* Set up column definitions for FETCH...     */
    subr     BindCols
       dofor       &i  from( 1 ) to( &nbrCols )
          chgvar        &iCol                &i
          chgvar        &fcType              &DescType
          chgvar        &bufCol              &pMsgDta
          when ( &DescType *eq &SQLNUMERIC )  do
             chgvar     &ofs               ( &psCol / 256 )
          when ( &DescType *eq &SQLDECIMAL )  do
             chgvar     &ofs               ( ( (&psCol / 256) + 1 ) / 2)
          otherwise  do
             chgvar     &ofs                 &psCol
          chgvar  %ofs( &pMsgDta )   ( %ofs( &pMsgDta ) + &ofs )
          chgvar        &cbValueMax          &psCol
          chgvar        &ppcbValue    %addr( &pcbValue )
          chgvar  %ofs( &pColAttr )  ( %ofs( &pColAttr ) + 12 )
       /* Execute a statement...                              */
          callsubr BindCol      rtnval( &subRC )
       chgvar           &pColAttr     %addr( &ColAttrs )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       This program doesn't care much about errors. We just send out a     +
       general message, then retrieve basic error info. We don't really    +
       have anything we want to do with the info.                          +
    /* Retrieve error info...     */
    subr     GetError
       sndpgmmsg  msgid( CPF9898 ) msgf( QSYS/QCPFMSG ) +
                    msgdta( 'SQL error found' ) +
                    msgtype( *INFO )
       callprc  'SQLError'        ( +
                                    ( &hEnv *byval ) +
                                    ( &hDBC *byval ) +
                                    ( &hStm *byval ) +
                                    &szSqlState  +
                                    &pfNtvError  +
                                    &szErrorMsg  +
                                    ( &szErrorMax *byval ) +
                                    &pcbError    +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &SQLRC )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       We "report" our FETCHed values as &msgdta for a temporary message.  +
       The values were built in &msgdta and we know what kinds of data we  +
       FETCHed, so we can have a message format prepared. If we wanted, we +
       could build FMT0001 dynamically. We bound our columns with known    +
       attributes, so we could use those to construct the FMT() fields.    +
       But that's just a 'SMOP'.                                           +
    /* Send out retrieved values... */
    subr     RptValues
       crtmsgf     QTEMP/tmpmsgf
       rcvmsg      msgtype( *LAST ) rmv( *YES )
       addmsgd     FMT0001  msgf( QTEMP/tmpmsgf )  +
                     msg( 'Customer &1 &2 balance is &3 at &4' ) +
                     fmt((*CHAR 6) (*CHAR 8) (*DEC 7 2) (*CHAR 10))
       rtvmsg      FMT0001  msgf( QTEMP/tmpmsgf )  +
                     msgdta( &msgdta )  +
                     msg( &msgtxt )
       sndpgmmsg   msgid( CPF9897 ) msgf( QSYS/QCPFMSG ) +
                     msgdta( &msgtxt ) topgmq( *EXT ) msgtype( *INFO )
       dltmsgf     QTEMP/tmpmsgf
       rcvmsg      msgtype( *LAST ) rmv( *YES )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* +
       Since I already had an old test version of a SQL syntax checker, I  +
       am adding it on as a procedure. Like this example, that coding also +
       relies on defaults. But I do set the naming test for SQL-naming to  +
       match the SQL CLI example, and it's also set for single-test mode,  +
       i.e., it's set to be called once and terminate even though I call   +
       it three times. Actual coding should be more robust.                +
    /* Check SQL statement syntax... */
    subr     ChkSQLSyn
       callprc  'triml'           ( +
                                    &SQL_Stm     +
                                    ( x'00' *byval ) +
                                  ) +
                            rtnval( &wInt )
       chgvar      &szSQL_Stm       &wInt
       callprc  'SYNSQL'          ( +
                                    &SQL_SynStm  +
       monmsg ( cpf0000 )
       rtnsubr  rtnval( 0 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
    There are a lot of source statements, but much of that is due to blank lines, comments, API calls that are spread over many lines and all of the coding to separate almost all the API calls into separate subroutines.

    I also had some code that syntax checks SQL statements; so I trimmed it down, set it to match the requirements of the main procedure and tacked it on, too.

    The syntax checker:
    /*                                                                    */
    /* A very simple example of using QSQCHKS to syntax check SQL         */
    /* statements.                                                        */
    /*                                                                    */
    pgm    ( +
             &pSQL       +
       dcl   &pSQL        *char  4098
       dcl   &szSQL       *int
       dcl   &NbrRec      *int            value( 1 )
       dcl   &Options     *char    40
       dcl   &NbrRecPrc   *int
       dcl   &Error       *char     8     value( x'0000000000000000' )
       dcl   &SQLStmI     *char  1024
       dcl   &LenSQLStmI  *int            value( 1024 )
       dcl   &RecLen      *int      2     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pSQL  1 )
       dcl   &SQL         *char  4096     stg( *defined ) defvar( &pSQL  3 )
       dcl   &SQLMsgF     *char    10     stg( *defined ) defvar( &SQLStmI   1 )
       dcl   &SQLMsgFLIB  *char    10     stg( *defined ) defvar( &SQLStmI  11 )
       dcl   &MsgID       *char     7     stg( *defined ) defvar( &SQLStmI  53 )
       dcl   &SQLSTATE    *char     5     stg( *defined ) defvar( &SQLStmI  60 )
       dcl   &LenRplTxt   *int      4     stg( *defined ) defvar( &SQLStmI  65 )
       dcl   &RplTxt      *char   955     stg( *defined ) defvar( &SQLStmI  69 )
       dcl   &nbrOptKey   *int            stg( *defined ) defvar( &Options   1 )
       dcl   &OptKeyDS    *char           stg( *defined ) defvar( &Options   5 )
       dcl   &pOptKey     *ptr            address( &OptKeyDS )
       dcl   &OptKeys     *char           stg( *BASED ) basptr( &pOptKey )
       dcl   &OptKey      *int            stg( *defined ) defvar( &OptKeys   1 )
       dcl   &szOptKey    *int            stg( *defined ) defvar( &OptKeys   5 )
       dcl   &OptKeyDta   *char    10     stg( *defined ) defvar( &OptKeys   9 )
    /* Set most basic of options...                                       */
       chgvar        &szSQL               &RecLen
       chgvar        &nbrOptKey         ( 2 )
       chgvar        &OptKey            ( 2 )  /* Check & terminate */
       chgvar        &szOptKey          ( 1 )
       chgvar        &OptKeyDta           '2'
       chgvar  %ofs( &pOptKey )   ( %ofs( &pOptKey ) + 9 )
       chgvar        &OptKey            ( 1 )  /* Naming 'SQL' */
       chgvar        &szOptKey          ( 5 )
       chgvar        &OptKeyDta           '*SQL'
    /* Call the API...                                                    */
       call       QSQCHKS     ( +
                                &SQL         +
                                &szSQL       +
                                &NbrRec      +
                                '*NONE     ' +
                                &Options     +
                                &SQLStmI     +
                                &LenSQLStmI  +
                                &NbrRecPrc   +
                                &Error       +
    /* If SQLSTATE has something to say...                                */
       if ( &SQLSTATE *ne '00000' )      do
          sndpgmmsg     msgid( &MsgID )  +
                          msgf( &SQLMsgFLIB/&SQLMsgF ) +
                          msgdta( %sst( &RplTxt 1 &LenRplTxt )) +
                          msgtype( *ESCAPE )
    That also can be used in V5R3 if it's converted to drop some of the V5R4 features. With a little more work, it can be used maybe back to V3R2 or so.

    Compile the two as modules and bind them into a program. I only have one i 6.1 system to test it on. My others are stuck at V5R3. If it needs enhancement for different system configurations, I'd be happy to add code.


    There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

    Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the universe are pointed away from Earth?

  • #2
    Re: SQL/CL sample

    thanks for sharing...CLLE is like my 10,000th favorite language!
    Nice work!

    All my answers were extracted from the "Big Dummy's Guide to the As400"
    and I take no responsibility for any of them.


    • #3
      Re: SQL/CL sample


      So, you haven't had to do a lot of work on systems without HLL compilers? When you work for many years on {cheap} customer systems, it can be necessary to get creative. But worse things happen. Some systems have compilers but don't have the SQL Dev Kit! .../shudder/


      There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

      Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the universe are pointed away from Earth?

