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Updating a file based on the value of a field in another file

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  • Updating a file based on the value of a field in another file

    I'm trying to use SQL to populate a cycle count frequency field in file ItemMaster based on the dollar value contained in another file, SRPFX. So far, no cigar.

    UPDATE ItemMaster a
    SET a.icyc =
    WHEN b.value < 500.00000000 THEN 1
    WHEN b.value >= 500.00000000 and b.value < 1000.00000000 THEN 2
    WHEN b.value >= 1000.00000000 and b.value < 3000.00000000 THEN 4
    WHEN b.value >= 3000.00000000 THEN 12
    WHERE a.iwhs = 'SR' and
    EXISTS(select * from srpfx b where b.ITEM = a.ITEM) and
    b.BOH > 0

    The above statement fails to run because the global variable "value" is not defined. I thought that the presence of file SRPFX in the WHERE clause would make its fields available throughout the sql statement but it looks as if I'm wrong. Is there a way I can make this update work?

    The error text is: Position 1 Column or global variable VALUE not found.

  • #2

    UPDATE ItemMaster a
    SET a.icyc =
    (select CASE
    WHEN b.value < 500.00000000 THEN 1
    WHEN b.value >= 500.00000000 and b.value < 1000.00000000 THEN 2
    WHEN b.value >= 1000.00000000 and b.value < 3000.00000000 THEN 4
    WHEN b.value >= 3000.00000000 THEN 12
    END from srpfx b where b.ITEM = a.ITEM)
    WHERE a.iwhs = 'SR' and
    EXISTS(select * from srpfx b where b.ITEM = a.ITEM) and
    b.BOH > 0


    • #3
      Ignore previous, you cannot access fields in a subquery, you need to code the subquery in both places.

      UPDATE ItemMaster a
      SET a.icyc =
      (select CASE
      WHEN b.value < 500.00000000 THEN 1
      WHEN b.value >= 500.00000000 and b.value < 1000.00000000 THEN 2
      WHEN b.value >= 1000.00000000 and b.value < 3000.00000000 THEN 4
      WHEN b.value >= 3000.00000000 THEN 12
      END from srpfx b where b.ITEM = a.ITEM and
      b.BOH > 0)
      WHERE a.iwhs = 'SR' and
      EXISTS(select * from srpfx b where b.ITEM = a.ITEM and
      b.BOH > 0)


      • #4
        Yes! Thank you, jj_dahlheimer. The second example worked exactly as I needed it to. I appreciate your help.

